Language as a joystick is back from the ’80s, but are our imaginations up for it?

The text-based role-playing game Zork, a mythologically powerful bundle of Apple IIe joy from my childhood that was filled with interactive fiction, is now available for your Kindle or other device via the simple Web site of I credit games like Zork with strengthening my imagination, providing me a much-needed escape, teaching me how … Read more

Five reasons why procrastination quadrupled from 1978 to 2002

This article in The New Yorker casually mentions that admissions of problems with procrastination quadrupled between 1978 and 2002, then goes on to suggest a number of confidence-shattering explanations for human beings’ expertise in putting off anything remotely putoffable. The author gives 5 reasons. But he doesn’t address the uptick from ’78 to ’02. Why, … Read more