Friends don’t buy friends: paying for a better Facebook status update ruins the game

For a moment, don your cynic’s armor and think of relationships as a game. Like any game, it has rules. Here’s one of them: you don’t pay people to be your friend. If you do, that person is not your friend.


Before we gaze deep into the dark navel of interstellar definitions of the meaning of friendship, let’s recap why I wrote this post in the first place: Facebook is letting some users in New Zealand pay to make their status updates more prominent.

I get the business temptation, especially with an I.P.O. on the way. Maybe this is an elaborate play put on to ease investors’ worries about how the social network will continue to grow and churn out profits. This, potentially, could do both. Some folks previously disinterested in Facebook might see a new way to reach people and hop on. Current users might expand their networks in ways to accommodate this manner of paid communication. (Or maybe they’ll contract them to make the networks more efficient.) And if people are buying updates, they’ll want them to be better. Facebook could become a middle-man to writers and editors willing to refine all of those messages.

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Weekly Reading List 2012-05-13

The Outsourced Life – # Al Jazeera unveils new portal for citizen reporters | News | Rapid TV News # Why Publishers Don't Like Apps – Technology Review # Powered by Twitter Tools

Weekly Reading List 2012-05-06

If Peas Can Talk, Should We Eat Them? – # Pepsi Puts A Pop Culture “Cheat Sheet” At The Heart Of Its New Campaign # Powered by Twitter Tools

Weekly Reading List 2012-04-29

Finally A Redesign!? Ugly Craigslist Hiring UI Designer To Become “Faster, Friendlier And Easier” # The Open Scientific Publishing movement is gaining traction # 52 Applicants Move to Next Round of Knight News Challenge # One Thing Is Clear: Facebook Hasn't Figured It Out Yet – Business Insider # Researchers claim … Read more

Dear Google: What exactly can you do with my content?

The doughnut is mine. Right?Pink Sherbet Photography / Foter Dear Google, I never read your terms of service (TOS) until Google Drive came out. A lot of writers had a lot to say about Drive and the TOS: Rafe Needleman says, “… the problem is that Google’s one-size-fits-all-services terms of service agreement is too vague. … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-03-25

State of the News Media 2012 # Pizza With a Side of Attitude: The Rise of Snark Online # If you have news, it will be aggregated and/or curated # How one man escaped from a North Korean prison camp | World news | The Guardian # Meet CERN’s New Artist … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-03-18

Microsoft developing translation program that speaks foreign languages with your voice | The Verge # launches sports blog # Intel Planning Subscription Internet TV Service – And Has to Deal With Stubborn Broadcasters Like Everyone Else # The Human Cost of Animal Suffering – # 38% of China’s Internet … Read more