What happens when we stop being a society, and define ‘us’ as a marketplace. The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder (NYT).

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/12/15/health/the-selling-of-attention-deficit-disorder.html If you’ve been confused about that gnawing sensation steadily closing in on the center of your spirit, I’m pretty sure this NYT article accidentally explains that feeling of doom while while revealing the pharmaceutical industry’s astonishing lack of sincere concern for a human being’s health. As the head of one company’s division hawking drugs … Read more

Every employer needs to be a university

With the pace of information exchange on the Web, being competently knowledgable about one’s field requires constant study. Keeping up can be a full-time job. Yet how many employers program learning time for their employees? Yes, some will provide tuition assistance. But who gives you a half-day out of five to dig into the latest … Read more

Every company is a tech company

If everyone is on/of the Web, then you need to know how to be on/of the Web, no matter what your business is up to. That doesn’t just mean figuring out a website. It means leveraging the communication tools and methods unique to the Internet; reconsidering what an obtainable, understandable and malleable dataset is; and … Read more

Privacy is not a transaction to be bargained. Snowden and the Future – Part III: The Union, May it Be Preserved

http://snowdenandthefuture.info/PartIII.html Protect keeping reading anonymous. Privacy is the same category of component of a healthy society as clean air and safe water. It is a pillar upon which the system stands. After reading this essay, read The Circle by Dave Eggers. Not my favorite read in terms of a fiction book, but a good way … Read more

Go shopping in the secondary debt market. Occupy Wall Street activists buy $15m of Americans’ personal debt

Occupy Wall Street activists buy $15m of Americans’ personal debt. So would this argue for one to not pay one’s debts, wait until it gets tossed into a secondary debt market, and then go buy it for…5 cents on the dollar? Hmm, sounds sneaky. Surely something that easy (minus the years of fighting original debt … Read more

Web sites about to become cable channels. We’re About to Lose Net Neutrality — And the Internet as We Know It | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

http://www.wired.com/opinion/2013/11/so-the-internets-about-to-lose-its-net-neutrality/ An update on companies’ seemingly successful efforts to destroy one of the greatest experiments in human expression, knowledge sharing and entrepreneurship. Because they want to make more money.