It seemed to be a novel way for a holy figure in Hungary to connect young people with God: hop on a skateboard in the signature black robes of his calling and start spreading the word.
But Reverend Zoltan Lendvai, who was mentioned in this article, here, there and, hell, everywhere on Monday, isn’t the only skateboarding priest.
Another man of God, this one in more nearby Florida, performed in 2008 atop a Fibreflex longboard, at the 0:52 point below:
“All the kids came out and it was like an amazing experience in which their priest and the children connected in a childlike place,” said Father Rob Cadrecha in the video posted here and here. “From that point on, the kids have always been asking me, ‘Will you do that again, Father? Will you do that again?'”
If you prefer text and pics, the written and photographic tale of Father Cadrecha tearing it up appeared in a publication (pdf) of the Nativity Catholic School in Brandon, Florida, and in Our Sunday Visitor. Here’s the school’s snappy piece for your reading and observational pleasure:
Our Very Own Skateboarding Priest Move over flying Nun and make way for Father Cadrecha, the flying Priest. Recently, the entire school witnessed the skateboarding antics of our very own Fr. Rob Cadrecha. Father was being interviewed for an article in Our Sunday Visitor. We all enjoyed seeing Father flying on his skateboard in our courtyard to the cheers of the whole school. Thanks, Father, for making our day!

Rev. Lendvai’s moves appear to be a little fresher (due no doubt to his taste in equipment), but Father Cadrecha’s technique may have been hampered by doing his work atop a board more meant for cruising. Guess we’ll forgive him for that. That’d be the divine thing to do.