I. Social: You are what you know and remember, and what others know and remember about you.
- Forming groups of like interest / coordinate connections
- Being in the know / personal topic guidance
- Creating self-identity / ascribe values to information choices
- Forming opinions / critiquing service
- Sharing information (conversation, e-mail, clippings, recordings, etc.) to create social bonds / facilitate simplification and effectiveness of networking
- Commenting upon information and expressing oneself /package user-generated content into media product that can be published, shared, found, marketed, jointly monetized
II. Research and information creation: Finding and making answers.
- Make new information / writing and editing services
- Answer questions / how to create good questions
- Learn ways to allot limited resources (time, money, attention, energy) / lifestyle analysis and achieving information goal service
III. Entertainment: Please get me the hell out of my reality.
- Distraction
- Avoid work
- Relax
- Satisfy curiosity
- Explore reality
- ///// One service for all of these activities: Information health; know when you need to alter information activity to maintain health.
At every step, the information user needs to have the option of altering the type of experience they want with your information: click here and you can access deep information suited to a research task; click there and you can go into scanning (distraction) mode.
It’s a bit like having a pair of shoes that changes according to the weather; the pair of shoes is your story (from sandals for a hot day to galoshes for a downpour); the weather is the intent your customer brings to the information. The feet…are just hairy.
I can sense your RSS overload; you need to change your information activity ASAP. Here’s a free distraction service compliments of YouTube, m0serious and newsroomnext: