- My Guantánamo Nightmare – http://t.co/ExkyNKsq http://t.co/tXqFfQEZ #
- Notes From a Guantánamo Survivor – http://t.co/ExkyNKsq http://t.co/EcJ3C7Ac #
- The 45 Places to Go in 2012 – http://t.co/ExkyNKsq http://t.co/vvJtTHVJ #
- One News: Toddler Unfazed By Lion Encounter – YouTube http://t.co/c2gEDzl0 #
- South Park Screenshots Are Freakin' Sweet http://t.co/Y9FZS8GP #
- Futuristic Toilets That Save on Water and Space | EcoSalon | Conscious… http://t.co/Noj6djWb #
- Nicotine therapy… http://t.co/iL1V6qms #
- Take it from former editors: Newspapers need bolder change | Melanie Sill http://t.co/VbmiXzx0 #
- For years the NBA Hall of Famer has claimed that his high – 01.16.12 – SI Vault http://t.co/fOpTUAX2 #
- Maldivian Leaders Might Move the Entire Nation to Australia If Sea Keeps Rising | Popular Science http://t.co/K7JhZxAV #
- The New York Times's Nick Kristof On Journalism In A Digital World And The Age Of Activism | Fast Company http://t.co/QH4LVb6c #
- India Threatens to Block Google and Facebook "Like China" http://t.co/dE1Aokrv #
- Scientists Create A Hole In Time, Deny Cackling Maniacally | Giant Freakin Robot http://t.co/G0cyk4Cj #
- McCann Truth Central Releases '12 Truths About Social in 2012' – Yahoo! Finance http://t.co/7t8r8KXd #
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