- 8 APIs your news organization should start using today | Poynter. http://t.co/nfFCoMpJ #
- How Newspapers Are Faring Trying to Build Digital Revenue – Pew Research Center http://t.co/vZTLgdQg #
- Google Launches Digital Media Destination, ‘Google Play’ – http://t.co/XKNSaIpg http://t.co/4PbYdyL9 #
- James Cameron Prepares to Dive Into Mariana Trench – http://t.co/ExkyNKsq http://t.co/ICDAWL5L #
- Compelling photo http://t.co/4muw624m #
- The $100bn Facebook question: Will capitalism survive 'value abundance'? – Opinion – Al Jazeera English http://t.co/O83hqPVt #
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