- This is hands down the most breathtaking version of Curiosity's descent we've seen yet (Updated) [Video] http://t.co/T7U5bNvl #
- Tokyo Rail System as Designed by Slime Mold http://t.co/zBZL3RtT #
- 'Thunderdome' Takes Shape At Digital First http://t.co/hM9T4HuL #
- INFOGRAPHIC: Content 4.0 And IGNITION – Business Insider http://t.co/U0QBMSgk #
- UPDATED Social Media Marketing Graphic – Business Insider http://t.co/AfS0ZKRt #
- ‘When a user lands on a page, you have three to five seconds to make your impression’ http://t.co/Eh586wNI #
- How To Be a Genius: This Is Apple's Secret Employee Training Manual http://t.co/RiZMII6z #
- The one chart that explains the nation's debt crisis http://t.co/92kxbgPj #
- Canon announces EOS C100 cinema camera, confirms October shipping for the C500 — Engadget http://t.co/s4umvy2i #
- Students, Here's How to Kick-Start Your Personal Brand Online http://t.co/5BGiNw0X #
- BBC Nature – Wildlife watchers: beauty and brutality http://t.co/0Jdo2lcz #
- Hillerbrand+Magsamen Upend Family Conventions – http://t.co/Exkugarw http://t.co/pLjXRXNY #
- Google Brings Voice-Guided Turn-By-Turn Biking Navigation To Google Maps For Android http://t.co/tKrHTbtw #
- How Obama Won the Internet — in an Hour http://t.co/zXCIR9ob #
- Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words | Fox News http://t.co/0XYCTxHy #
- The Five Big Misrepresentations Of Paul Ryan's Convention Speech | The New Republic http://t.co/6rm3HY9D #
- Apple Rejects App That Tracks U.S. Drone Strikes | Danger Room | http://t.co/zCEBtUoc http://t.co/pgzlPKYE #
- Xark!: Why Fact Checkers fail http://t.co/AGXpVQHM #
- Star Found Shooting Water "Bullets" http://t.co/RJEGO8nI #
- Seth's Blog: First, connect http://t.co/hySHGOT3 #
- Smart Customization vs. Mass Production http://t.co/7aWJ9E3f #
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