- Can ResearchGate really be the Facebook of science? http://t.co/L8GuiLZk #
- Gotcha! Group uncovers privacy lies in websites' fine print http://t.co/DuQdz6zU #
- The coming Internet video crash http://t.co/9VZzVxOs via @infoworld #
- Facebook's Email Scanning Isn't A Privacy Issue, It's A Credibility Issue http://t.co/re1Gk39c #
- How To Curate & Download Your Own Wikipedia Ebook – PDF, EPUB & More http://t.co/YeAlozHt #
- The Natives Are Restless: News Publishers Move Line Distinguishing Edit, Ad Content http://t.co/uDCgKtlH #
- Baby mentions: Romney 1; Obama 0. #
- I am Romney, I shall make water into wine! #
- USA 7th in high school graduation rates. http://t.co/dc1lhmlG #
- Romney's language dance: "trickle-down government" and "economy tax" (start of debate) #
- backgrounder, in case you forgot, on 10th amendment, which Romney just mentioned http://t.co/x1JUFPBQ #
- NBC News Kills The Demographic, Personifies Its Viewers Instead http://t.co/ogeHleQe #
- organize your time. 15-20 minutes work. 3-5 minute break. use timer. it actually works. http://t.co/tCjynh5D #
- speed limit on desire? good luck. http://t.co/VPvmtlSy #
- Google Announces New “Lightbox” Ad Format: Advertisers Only Pay When Users Expand The Ad http://t.co/3LBkKepK #
- 6 walmart heirs worth $70 billion. same as bottom 30% of US society. http://t.co/BtgXJjaU #
- humans over crawlers. but will it blend? http://t.co/MupUebSb #
- NYT Election Oracle, Nate Silver, On Why Blogging Is Great For Science http://t.co/5nXeVbjY #
- time to make more trash email addresses http://t.co/8kOGBdN1 #
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