New slot machine ready to serve necessity of gambling to retire. How the SEC is enabling Wall Street’s fungal creep into Main Street | Heidi Moore I love how this essay flows: smart, nasty and to the point. The business development arm of the Wall Street profit industry (SEC) opens the pathway for hedge funds seeking to seduce investors worth at least a million. Americans, we now have yet another way to play the game we’re forced into if we … Read more

When hot dogs change you

On Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods America, he tried hot dogs that were turned into fine dining fare. One had a fried egg on it. The other, lighter, came with basil. Decadence like this inspires and disgusts. One side feels thrills over the innovation, and the freedom and wealth of the society that allows it. Another … Read more

Making headway. First-ever human head transplant is now possible, says neuroscientist – Quartz Heads up? Heading out? Let it go to your head? Don’t get a big head? The endpoint of this is effortlessly plopping our heads on and off anything and using our brains to control it. Vehicles. Beanie bags. Penguins. Whatever. If we need a tool, we will find a way to top it off … Read more