Defensive URL claiming

It’s exhausting. So many services to make my life easier are just making it harder. This one, old to you but new to me: Great; it allows me to share a short URL with “hellotumo” at the end that links to my Google+ profile. I didn’t feel hugely compelled to grab this, but I … Read more

Finding vs. found

Numerous technologies are attempting to save us time by making choices about our media consumption for us. Netflix suggests movies. The NYT recommends articles. I like Pandora’s version of this so much, I paid for the upgraded service. As amazing as this is, it makes me wonder about what we’re losing. In the past, I … Read more

Tracking Google Nexus 4 availability

I’ve been repeatedly visiting the Google play store to see if the 16gb Nexus 4 is available. All that heavy clicking got very tiring. After fruitlessly searching for a way to take scheduled screenshots of the page that would automatically upload to a page on this site (Page Crescent Page Saver was the best option … Read more

Why RSS feeds are better than Twitter

Because I usually get a link with no commentary on it — a moment of quiet amid the clamor of yet another URL washing against the steadily fracturing shores of my attention span. So I would read, “‘Social Risk’ Test Ordered by China for Big Projects,”not “China figures out bulldozing over people like they do … Read more

Why Twitter is better than RSS feeds

Because I usually get a link with a little bit of commentary on it — another sprinkle of “why this matters” dusting yet another URL washing against the steadily fracturing shores of my attention span. So I would read, “China figures out bulldozing over people like they do old buildings is a bad idea” with … Read more

The appeal of limits

In a world of effectively infinite information, extraordinary value is to be found in folks who can tell us how much we need to know or how much information we need to produce. When exactly do you know a message has been conveyed? Guess it depends on the goal of the communication. But isn’t all … Read more