Happy 4th of July: Fireworks like you’ve never seen them before
I’ve never had the pleasure of this perspective on fireworks.
Writer, Editor, News PM
I’ve never had the pleasure of this perspective on fireworks.
Like the Vox video says, get your vaccinations. Check out all their great work on YouTube. An author of yet another study (of studies) showing no connection between vaccines and autism has an answer for what we’re all wondering: How’d this erroneous idea that vaccines cause autism come about? “With the rise of the Internet … Read more
I’d like to know if I was the subject of a psychology experiment; wouldn’t you? Especially one that intended to influence my emotional state. Heck, I might even want to avoid such an experiment unless I volunteered for it. Apparently, I did potentially volunteer for a Facebook psychology experiment when I signed up for the … Read more
For your info sipping, here are two reasons my “consumer spending,” one culprit in the economy’s poor performance, is dropping: The cost of a tall, plain cup of coffee at Starbucks in New York went up 8.2% on Tuesday. It comes in at $2.12. Used to be $1.96. My rent is going up 10% starting … Read more
In Alaska, the snow is unblemished white steel hugging the land like skin. Some people call this emptiness “nothing.” I call it a road. I want to mush. Cables of time connect moments until a journey rises. A moment is a task: an imperative to act. You must move, or you are not. List them … Read more
Why do it with jQuery when JavaScript provides so much more pain? I give you my ruined weekend: tabbed display and navigation: See the Pen Tab interface and nav with pure JavaScript instead of jQuery by tumolillo (@hellotumo) on CodePen.
When you’re thirsty in the summertime, it makes no sense to drink warm beer. Those bottles must travel to a cool bucket of ice to undergo a familiar transformation in preparation for our pleasure: glass skin collects dew and cools, the contents soon following. The cold beer awaits. Time to drink. You diligently unhinge each … Read more
When the naught but emptiness fills a stop-signed intersection, halting for the red octagon makes no sense for bicycles. At least two states recognize a simple truth.
I prefer my trees sideways.