A Data Broker Offers a Peek Behind the Curtain – NYTimes.com.
The Acxiom Corporation, a marketing technology company that has amassed details on the household makeup, financial means, shopping preferences and leisure pursuits of a majority of adults in the United States … plans to unveil a free Web site where United States consumers can view some of the information the company has collected about them.
The data on the site, called AbouttheData.com, includes biographical facts, like education level, marital status and number of children in a household; homeownership status, including mortgage amount and property size; vehicle details, like the make, model and year; and economic data, like whether a household member is an active investor with a portfolio greater than $150,000. Also available will be the consumer’s recent purchase categories, like plus-size clothing or sports products; and household interests like golf, dogs, text-messaging, cholesterol-related products or charities.
Finally, a chance to evaluate some of the Creep Levels inherent to our information-tracking-and-selling economy.