New York graffiti (Chinatown)
Photographed during a relaxing walk across the Manhattan Bridge. This group of rooftops always impresses me with the thoroughness of the artwork; barely a surface goes unpainted. Don’t miss the fox in the middle.
Writer, Editor, News PM
Photographed during a relaxing walk across the Manhattan Bridge. This group of rooftops always impresses me with the thoroughness of the artwork; barely a surface goes unpainted. Don’t miss the fox in the middle.
At the 1:37 mark, the video compares the conflict over Net Neutrality to one experienced by other industries; it goes on to frame today’s argument in light of electricity utilities; imagine if the power flowing to your home was treated non-neutrally. You’d get dimmer lights, then your utility trying to sell you a “Brighter Bulb” … Read more
Just about covers it, except for the honking horns:
If you’re animating with HTML5 and JavaScript, you’ll need to jump between degrees (humans) and radians (computers). Save yourself some brain pain and drop your numbers into my converter, Ragrees.
Send the petition at to the FCC to ensure the government agency knows where the public stands on the issue of net neutrality and the classification of Internet service providers. Best reading on this topic: ==> Cory Doctorow’s opinion piece in The Guardian: Internet service providers charging for premium access hold us all to … Read more
Native Advertising — a.k.a. Good Advertising ( The intent of the communication speaks to the truth of it. Another way to say intent: goal; purpose; to what position you are trying to move the person to whom you are communicating. All communication is a battle; you are trying to change someone. Making someone informed is changing them. … Read more
CollegeHumor’s video, The Social Consequences of Everything, captures the anxiety of our information-rich age. No action happens without knowledge of its impact. The results, unless we laugh at them, paralyze us.
Compliments of iStock, here you go:
The biggest barrier to telling a story is figuring out why you should tell it. When you read a headline, you should be able to determine pretty quickly why someone thought that story was worthwhile. That’s a problem. Real conversations are filled with things beside Grand Statements Concerning Important Matters (GSCIM). There are empty noises … Read more