Google doesn’t want you to buy Glass

Tell me, what percentage of the population will wear obnoxious glasses on their face that annoy everybody? My guess: a slice so small as to be negligible. Google Glass will not change the world. But what will change the world are the conversations and conflicts, prompted by Google Glass, occurring around the cultural integration of … Read more

Someone build me a wearable cave

NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show Using executive order 12333, the NSA has turned the world’s citizens into dots on a map. When a special dot — Mr. Red Blinky Dot — meets up with other dots, all kinds of things can happen to those dots. Dots should be outraged. But maybe they’re … Read more

Another swan song from a dying ideology. New G.O.P. Bid to Limit Voting in Swing States – Republicans would rather rig the voting system in their favor than work for the people over which they rule. This is how an entity in position of authority comes to an end: by serving its own perpetuation at any cost instead of serving the people who are the true source of its power. Shame … Read more

This is how you buy the American government

Comcast wants to buy Time-Warner. Pesky lawmakers could, theoretically, get in the way of this monopolistic, money-making, information-hobbling enterprise by pointing out the obvious fact that such a step would be terrible for consumers and the public before proceeding to stop the deal. Luckily for Comcast, and unluckily for us poor saps who can barely … Read more

But who owns the pipes and the machines that make the machines? 21 Technologies That Will Decentralize the World.

21 Technologies That Will Decentralize the World. Organic, community-oriented approaches to technology and information networks inspire me as much as the next guy interested in surveillance-free livin’ with a healthy dose of creativity and joy, but you have to ask when looking at these technologies: who controls the pipes? The infrastructure that makes any of … Read more

Save net neutrality. Door Closes to Open Internet, But All May Not Be Lost | Take Action, What Matters Today | The Internet ceases to be the Internet without net neutrality. It becomes just another cable channel. Such an environment destroys the chances for innovation for the sake of….further fattening a few corporations’ profits. Do you want to pay another fee to ensure that people can speedily access your website? That is what will happen … Read more