Whose government is this?

An excellent use of large font and CSPAN on a House rule-change that forced the request of any vote on a funding resolution to go through the Republican leader. USA today on the story. Here is the nitty-gritty of Resolution 368.

Summarizing news with software: TextTeaser impresses

I took TextTeaser, an “automatic summarization application and API,” for a spin. Short review: It pretty much works. Wow. Update: The TextTeaser site is spewing app errors. The Internet likes it! A happy problem to have. I guess being No. 12 on Hacker News will do that to a site. I also tweaked the bookmarklet … Read more

Follow particle decay to the truth

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/10/12/us/seeking-a-bridge-between-western-science-and-eastern-faith-with-the-Dalai-Lama.html All is here and gone and always is and never was. The monk wants to put a pipe around the spirit, a line to knowing that to clench is to suffer. But even ghosts must hang onto something. What about singing, Buddha? Nothing lasts but that is no reason to do nothing.

The guy with the whistle

The bicyclist with the whistle could have gone around the car. There was plenty of room to the right. The car had broken the rules, left its designated area, but surely the man with the whistle knew: lines are imaginary things. He blew his whistle. Long, piercing tweets like a walrus-sized bird strangling on a … Read more

I don’t like what I like

Medium.com wants to use what it knows about who I was yesterday to customize content for who I am today. No thanks. I use sites like it to find things I didn’t know I liked. Surprise me. Challenge me. Don’t feed me what I already know I like. I don’t like it.

Anonymous: the new guilty. Attacking Tor: how the NSA targets users’ online anonymity.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/04/tor-attacks-nsa-users-online-anonymity Believing in privacy now makes you a potential criminal according to the organization that turned the Internet into a giant surveillance tool with the help of the companies that make it run. The longterm effect of this will be to kill the Internet. Add in DRM and compromised browsers and efforts to kill net … Read more