Magic brick

My iPhone has been struggling with its battery power. I suspected an app was feasting on the juice with abandon. But I didn’t know. This thing is an inscrutable brick casting information spells with code. Go to wizard school so I can read the lines behind the art? Well, no. An update came today. Maybe … Read more

Rather than tweet

As social networks grow, I’m becoming more curious about the exchange of services for content and user information. Who owns the online me at what price? So, to experiment, I’ve installed WordPress on my iPhone and I’ll be using my blog to publish what I would normally push through Twitter. Practically, that means more shorter … Read more

The one type of book that must be paper

Textbooks. Anything I need to study, I need it to be on paper. I have to feel knowledge with fingers. Bend it, write on it, smell it, rewrite it, go back and forth between one island of a page to another. Interacting with an e-book — trying to turn those passages of someone else’s knowledge … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-10-07

Can ResearchGate really be the Facebook of science? # Gotcha! Group uncovers privacy lies in websites' fine print # The coming Internet video crash via @infoworld # Facebook's Email Scanning Isn't A Privacy Issue, It's A Credibility Issue # How To Curate & Download Your Own Wikipedia Ebook – PDF, EPUB … Read more

Purpose of the presidential debates

This expression will fail to win you the presidency.Rebecca L. Daily / Foter Obama and Romney talked and talked, but said very little, and, as was inevitable, what they did utter was so debatable that it, of course, outstripped the deliberative capacity of the forum in which they pretended to argue policy so they could … Read more will change Twitter, Facebook and other social networks like Google Fiber will change ISPs

Fly away, birdy. You are free! Free! Well, you are $3 a month!moonjazz / Foter Summary:’s subscription service will force social networks like Twitter and Facebook to offer paid, ad-free and no-track versions of their social networks, much like Google Fiber, through product innovation and policy cleverness, will compel ISPs to improve their offerings. … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-09-30

This Chrome extension tells you more about key people in articles as you read the news # TMI: The Seduction of Data # A broadband levy to fund journalism? Now that's a very clever idea # "yield priority to inactive and polluting drivers" # serving debt, not progress. financial industry as … Read more

I needed time to slack so I embedded this article about slacking to test embedding

Cubicle worker FAIL.  For the FDT (Face Down Tuesday) group.  Today this pose is known as planking.
Break time.slworking2 / Foter

Embedding articles like videos might be one of those things that is more interesting in theory than practice. I wrote about it in September 2007 (The Web is your Web site; search is your navigation), when my obsession with unlocking the Internet’s secret sauce was riding high. The thing is, if you’re taking the time to run a blog properly, you’ll want to do things that bloggers do: find something cool; summarize it without copying it, and link to it; and add your own thoughts to the concepts. Pasting an entire article, legitimately or not, takes some of the fun out of it. Nevertheless, I did just that in this article about giving employees more down time to improve their performance. I know some managers take this so seriously that they actually pay their employees to take time off. Do it, manager people! Our brains need rest, need a lack of stimulus to process that which we’ve consumed. I’ve read about concerns that constant engagement wrecks our creativity. I don’t know if it destroys it, but it certainly takes away the time to engage with it. After all, if you’re watching, you’re not doing (though all of these “likes” and “retweets” are giving people a means to feel like they’re doing something when simply watching).

And, a shiny, embedded article:

Why Your Company Should Have More 'Slackers' (via

Workplace Issues | September 27, 2012 | | US CFOs make all kinds of investments, but how about investing in more down time for employees? That may sound like a recipe for creating a bunch of slackers, but in fact the idea of optimal slack in a system is as fundamental to talent optimization…

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Weekly Reading List 2012-09-23

Scientists Make Progress in Tailor-Made Organs – # Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike – Telegraph # US university to close its j-school # Time Warner Cable Not Worried About Google Fiber – Doesn't Believe Service Will Spread Nationally # Arctic … Read more