Weekly Reading List 2012-07-01

Out with the new, in with the old – Online advertising has to change its definition of success http://t.co/2bjb8fu1 # Behind the Scenes of 4 Hot Social Media Campaigns http://t.co/FmV9tfUx # The Breaking Bad Lego Meth Lab Is Not For Kids http://t.co/ThZH03An # Health – Brian Fung – Eureka! When a Blow to the Head … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-06-17

"elites mastering the art of perpetuating themselves" http://t.co/OAmnvZL0 # Bronte Capital: The Macroeconomics of Chinese kleptocracy http://t.co/e21QpHCy # Vatican Banker Running Scared: Gotti Tedeschi Could Turn Whistleblower – The Daily Beast http://t.co/ehMJLxMv # Hitchhiker hospitalized in 'random' drive-by shooting near Glasgow : The Billings Gazette – Montana & Wyoming News http://t.co/hd8rbwD8 # Dunno for Mac … Read more

Sylvester Stallone chaos

I’ll tell you what chaos is: walking down a Hong Kong street and seeing Sylvester Stallone on a poster advertising a pen with the word “chaos” next to his name. What is that all about? What is going on here? Who would call a line of pens the “Chaos” line? Writing is the opposite of … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-06-10

The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist http://t.co/7WUKP8YB # Why We Need Unions http://t.co/FhZnfiu8 # Something Seems Wrong Here http://t.co/01Bw4KJ7 # International – Micah Zenko – Americans Are as Likely to Be Killed by Their Own Furniture as by Terrorism – The Atla… http://t.co/Z0dSOIkP # Study Results Show Truth Goggles Helps Combat Misinformation … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-06-03

funny frog, smartphone and my finger :D – YouTube http://t.co/JDXwCDSv # Why Clay Shirky is right and Warren Buffett is wrong http://t.co/TAwA4Zxu # Hong Kong’s High-Density Housing & Cramped Living Conditions – chinaSMACK http://t.co/FVJTBaBl # Distribution models that work. Are we finally getting it (them) right? http://t.co/MsZQ1Tsq # Powered by Twitter Tools

Johnny Tapia, R.I.P.

The boxing champ Johnny Tapia was found dead at his home. He was 45 years old. I did a video, above, about him when I worked for The Albuquerque Tribune. What impressed me most was how friendly he was. I went to a press conference, hung around for a bit to get footage, and he … Read more

Weekly Reading List 2012-05-27

Graphic of the Day: Media concentration infographic http://t.co/mYomQ6pF # Why newspapers need to lose the ‘view from nowhere’ http://t.co/ovg0xWPC # FBI quietly forms secretive Net-surveillance unit http://t.co/oTtnth99 # Warren Buffett’s letter his editors and publishers http://t.co/hSgciPrf # Powered by Twitter Tools