Article in Nieman Lab: What a 2004 experiment in hyperlocal news can tell us about community voices today

In 2004, a team of Medill School of Journalism grad students thought they could use the internet to fix what was wrong with it. But with increasing social isolation, rising partisanship, and newspapers’ ongoing woes, it seems that the problems have gotten worse, not better. Perhaps that’s why Google launched an experiment in local, user-generated storytelling: Bulletin.

Review: Inbox by Gmail

Sure, Inbox offers fewer swipes and touches and swirls to move your emails around or transform them into more useful information formats. But the core problem goes nowhere: too much communication to do, too little time.

How to embed specific cells range when embedding a Google spreadsheet

With a test spreadsheet and Google’s guide, here is how you can embed specific ranges of a Google sheet: 1. Publish a sheet to the web by going to File – Publish to the web. Click on Embed and grab the iframe embed HTML code. I publish the “Entire Document,” but you can be more … Read more