Trivialities are the filaments that make the root: Wisdom strand from Stephenson’s ‘Seveneves’
Details, trivial and not, are the threads our mind weaves to make a web of meaning.
Writer, Editor, Producer, Code Tinkerer
Details, trivial and not, are the threads our mind weaves to make a web of meaning.
Hay, donkey. “Daily Burden, Ethiopia” / Rod Waddington / Creative Commons Lesson from a set of plastic drawers carried from Target to home The position, weight and size of your burden will affect how you move and the speed of your movement. It will create natural limits; at a certain point, you must abandon … Read more
How to manage a herd of famished velociraptors.
Internet Explorer 6 and 7 still exist. Opacity doesn’t like this.
Sure, Inbox offers fewer swipes and touches and swirls to move your emails around or transform them into more useful information formats. But the core problem goes nowhere: too much communication to do, too little time.
A slideshow from Imgur showing images from around the world that you’ll never forget.
Who are you? / What is one thing you can definitely teach other people? / For whom do you teach that thing? / What do those people want and need? / How do they change?
Carefully edited hearts on a plate that respond to the news cycle.
Internet business model No. 1,541: I’ll give your club members something they need that you don’t want to make yourself.
Yes, everything is art. But noticing it is something else.