Trends in the journalism business and content creation: Targeting texting and choice cuts (news roundup for March 6, 2016)

1. Your messaging apps are about to be invaded by the news ==> Purple ==> Quartz jumped on this train ==> And eventually bots analyzing data streams will provide your conversation partner ==> 2. Editorial strategy of reducing choice as a way to stand out ==> ==> Why does … Read more

We spend 40 hours a year in traffic. Self-driving cars might fix that. Read all about it on my new blog, Robot Car Report.

The 40 hours of collective traffic congestion Americans experience annually also costs the country about $121 billion. That and other stories can be found on Robot Car Report, a blog covering self-driving vehicles that I launched in June 2015. I created it because I needed to do something about missing writing and reporting. Composing quirky … Read more

The art of bearing a burden

Hay, donkey. “Daily Burden, Ethiopia” / Rod Waddington / Creative Commons   Lesson from a set of plastic drawers carried from Target to home The position, weight and size of your burden will affect how you move and the speed of your movement. It will create natural limits; at a certain point, you must abandon … Read more

Review: Inbox by Gmail

Sure, Inbox offers fewer swipes and touches and swirls to move your emails around or transform them into more useful information formats. But the core problem goes nowhere: too much communication to do, too little time.